As stated in the rules, all participants that want to submit to the final test set are required to to publish a brief (approx. 2 pages) description of their method and results on a preprint site (such as biorxiv.org, arxiv.org, medrxiv.org) together with their submission. We do provide a template (double column, IEEE style) for this. There is no explicit page limit for that description, but it has to include a conclusive description of the approach of the participating team.
For this, we provide a LaTeX template for you. The template can be found on this github repository:
This is your introduction. Please make sure you properly reference the challenge’s formal description. We appreciate if you also reference the overview paper of last year, but it’s not mandatory.
We request to submit the publicly available preprint URL for the challenge. Please plan ahead and don’t forget that the review process on arxiv.org and other preprint sites may delay the publication process a couple of days.
As examples, please have a look at these preprints from last year’s challenge:
- S. Yang et al.: Sk-Unet Model with Fourier Domain for Mitosis Detection arxiv:2109.00957
- G. Roy et al.: Robust Mitosis Detection Using a Cascade Mask-RCNN Approach With Domain-Specific Residual Cycle-GAN Data Augmentation arxiv:2109.01878
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